I want this space to be focused on cultivating a life dedicated to creativity, thoughts, and ideas.

I enjoy experimenting with new challenges that help me focus and bring intention into my work, allowing me to spend more time doing what I love. Since I was young, I've loved writing. Starting this blog allows me to tell my stories and those of others, in hopes of inspiring and learning together.

this is meeeeee :)

I'm feeling bullets on this bio:

  • The thing I enjoy the most is challenging myself. I love to push myself by pursuing my dreams, travelling to new places, working with complicated cases, and being outdoors.
  • I manage IStudentPlus, an education and migration services company based in Australia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
  • Born and raised on Bangka Island in Indonesia, I'm proud of my Bangkanese roots.
  • Spent 4 incredible years studying in China - hit me up if you wanna practice your Mandarin! haha
  • Came to Australia at 18 as an international student, now happily calling it home permanent.
  • Music is basically my 24/7 soundtrack. Always got a tune playing.
  • At 25, I learned photography and have loved it ever since.
  • Travel bucket lists before 30: Mongolia, Middle East, and Africa.

What is important to me?

Over the years, I've done a lot of reflection on what really matters most to me. Looking back through old journals, it's interesting to see how my values have evolved.

Personal growth is hugely important. I'm constantly striving to learn, unlearn and improve myself through gaining deeper understanding. There's always room for progress - I believe we can always do things better.

Dedication and grit are also core. I remain committed to pushing towards my goals through hard work and ensuring my plans are on track. Success takes effort, and I'm willing to put in what it takes to get there.

Integrity is key too. It's not just about being honest - it's acting in line with my principles. I aim to walk the talk through reliability and responsibility in everything I do.

Authenticity is another big one. I focus on staying true to myself, saying no when I need to, admitting my flaws, and accepting mistakes are part of growth. It's not about proving myself - just feeling good in who I am.

Finally, being kind is so valuable. Whether giving back through volunteering, donations, or small daily acts, spreading positivity is important to me. We all contribute to the bigger picture - I want my impact to be positive.. YEHA!