Through my travel, I gained a profound understanding of the significance of time in shaping the way people live and behave. Whether it's a bustling environment or a chaotic one, the way individuals spend their time has a direct impact on the atmosphere and dynamics of a place.

Varanasi, India - May 2023

In India, time is highly valued - people rush through traffic, honking incessantly to reach their destinations faster. In developed countries, time is also valued, but there is less rushing. This made me question whether not rushing means that time is valued less 💭 Additionally, I pondered why people in developed countries are paid more, and if it means their time is considered more valuable than others.

1. It is crucial to continuously learn and enhance your skills..

What I learned:

  • Education in developed countries offers opportunities for individuals to acquire valuable skills, leading to higher wages and an improved quality of life

Developed countries with robust education systems offer individuals the opportunity to acquire valuable skills through education, enabling them to exchange their time for these skills, resulting in higher pay and a better standard of living. However, in underdeveloped countries like India, limited access to education due to poverty and inadequate infrastructure often forces individuals to exchange their time for money, resulting in longer working hours and lower wages. Unfortunately, their work may not be valued as there are many others who can perform the same tasks.

2. Having the right knowledge empowers 'you'

What I learned:

  • Education empowers individuals to make positive impacts in healthcare, infrastructure, and education. It uplifts communities and strengthens countries in multiple ways.

Knowledge is power, and having the correct information enables one to make a meaningful contribution to society.

Quality education opens doors to opportunities that can lift entire communities."

An educated populace strengthens a country in countless ways. When individuals gain new perspectives and abilities through schooling, they gain the potential to develop innovative solutions, advocate for important issues, or start businesses that create jobs and wealth. They may go on to enhance people's lives through important work in fields like healthcare, infrastructure development, education access, and more. In this way, the resources and expertise gained here can truly help empower our entire nation to thrive.

3. The scarcity of resources can lead to isolation.

What I learned:

  • Cultural beliefs and community support help locals cope, but limited resources can lead to division and sneaky actions.

Locals cope by embracing their cultural beliefs, relying on each other, and accepting their circumstances.
However, competition for limited resources can foster indirect or sneaky actions, resulting in a divided and untrustworthy community.

Fear of being left behind holds some individuals back from venturing beyond their community and pursuing their dreams."

A lack of resources within this circle can also fuel controlling behavior towards loved ones seeking growth and opportunities elsewhere.

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